Doomsday Clock

ARTIST: Gary Frank PRICE: $1,349.00

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Title: Doomsday Clock
Issue: 9
Page: 24
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Art Type: Interior Page
Genre: Superheroes
Artist(s): Gary Frank (all)

Dr. Manhattan is front and center on this page from Doomsday Clock, written by Geoff Johns and illustrated by Gary Frank (pencils & inks). "Stop Playing God" is featured on a sign held by protestors, as an overt wink and nod to the being for whom all time occurs simultaenously.

Year: 2019

Publisher: DC

Dimensions: 11"x17" 

Paper: Bristol Board

Technique: Pencil (graphite) and ink on Bristol Board

Condition: Very good, slight smudging
