Y-Last Man

ARTIST: Pia Guerra , Jose Marzan Jr. PRICE: $1,349.00

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Title: Y-Last Man
Issue: 8
Page: 19
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Art Type: Interior Page
Genre: Alternative
Artist(s): Pia Guerra (penciller)
Jose Marzan Jr. (inker)

A romantic moment between Yorick and Sonia falls apart as he learns the origin of Marrisville's current residents. A great example from writer Brian K. Vaughan's post apocylaptic epic, Y-The Last Man, with pencils by Pia Guerra and inks by Jose Marzan Jr. 

Year of Publication: 2003

Publisher: Vertigo

Dimensions: 11.25"x17"

Paper: Bristol Board

Technique: Pencil and inks on paper, with paste-up text

Condition: Excellent
